Magical Thoughts

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Enemy and Root Beer - Stepfamily Life Can Be Better With Less Work, Not More


Jayna Haney, Founder The Bridge Across for Stepfamilies and Single Parent Families

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Jayna Haney works with single parents and stepfamilies to create satisfying lives and healthy families with programs, strategies and tools designed especially for them.

Jayna specializes in developing strategies to neutralize the complications in stepfamilies and single parents, so that they feel centered and enjoy life even in the midst of the ups and downs of their family situations.

Jayna is passionate about her work - having been both a single parent with two children, and now, part of a stepfamily. Speaker, writer, educator and coach, Jayna and her husband of 7 years, Mike, live in Houston and have a lot of fun with their four kids, ages 12 to 15.

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