Magical Thoughts

Monday, December 29, 2008

Providing Financially - Times Are Changing in Education For Families....Think DIFFERENTLY

In a culture in which education is the key and the future high-paying jobs, and even with our current economy, I'm really the beginning of our beliefs into question. You see, I have danced to the drum beat. I'm still paying Sallie Mae for graduate school but I have already paid for my Associate Degree in nuclear medicine, my bachelor of science in nursing, but I'm still paying on my Master of Science in Nursing and my Post Graduate Certificate in Nurse-Midwifery. I look around and see people without the traditional training of a lot more than me, and I am beginning to question the fundamental beliefs of the income earned.

Several others with higher education are also given pink slips in the whole country and said to other parts of the world. There remains the question of where else to rely on their age or who else gets it now and rent or who else is using their income? The larger question remains, what if they stick to the "glass ceiling", which really exists, nobody will dare to openly acknowledge it? Well, what are you going to do for you and your family? Will you just wait until it happens, or if you are now in panic, because the reality is that you now? The choice is up to you. Plan ahead and act now to secure your future.

I'm not alone in these thoughts, theories and actions. Guru's in the industry such as Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad /Poor Dad" series, financial guru Suze Orman, CPA Diane Kennedy, and tax strategist Sandy Botkin educate all others, such as the implementation of strategies to think outside the Box and help you financially. I have personally studied with some of these teams in person and other enormous. Well, the next step is to find a way to help you and your family with the work in house.

There are numerous possibilities for the "outside the box" thinkers, it is up to you to find, which is for you. Good luck in the research and enjoy the hunt.


Carmen Kosicek, RN, MSN 1-866-97-No-Pay

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