Magical Thoughts

Monday, January 19, 2009

Awesome Levitation Magic Tricks

Who does not love a nice levitation trick? Everyone remembers "light as a feather, stiff as a board," but that was hardly a stunt work. There are many other levitation-style magic tricks that are still used today and perfected. All these tricks range from the limbo of a unique, small point, the levitation of large groups of people. All that can affect the be awesome magic tricks that baffle who takes the time to watch.

A very simple levitation magic trick called "Cup levitation." The goal of this magic trick is to appear for a styrofoam cup in the air. First you need to make your cup for his upcoming stunt carefully, a hole about the size of the thumb in the side of the cup. To make it even easier for you to start rehearsals this trick with a styrofoam cup, so you can easily press your thumb through one side. Select your target audience, can now order a cup in the air. Put your thumb in the hole and discreetly while the cup with both hands and face your audience. Go through it as if you are the driving force "Pure Magic" on the cup with your hands so that they can swim. Then, slowly release your grip, so that your thumbs are behind the Cup and it looks like your hands are open sprawled behind the cup. Make sure that the flow direction as the magic when the cup, so that it is in free float. There are, awesome spells can be very simple.

always remember that you try not an impossible feat, but they produce the illusion that you successfully make impossible. Levitation Tricks are the most popular and amazing magic tricks in our lives today. Many are still surprised by the many levitation tricks and always will be.

Another simple levitation illusion that is one of the most breathtaking magic tricks are now called "ketchup levitation trick." This illusion is very simple, easy to carry, and has minimal props. For this trick to work you need a clear plastic bottle, such as water or soda bottle, and a packet of spicy ketchup, like the ones you receive in the event of a drive through fast-food restaurant. Peal the label from the bottle so that your audience can clearly see through them. Fill the bottle with cold water and put the package into the bottle. It should remain floating on top. Take the basis for your own bottle and gently press. When you press the packet should float down and when you release the packet should be up. Presto! You have the awesome magic trick to make ketchup float!

Now you know that some of the basic principles of the art of levitation, you should practice a bit and show off your new achievements to all your friends!


Bob Carmine is an expert magician who has been performing as a professional magician for more than 20 years. To Learn more from Bob about Levitation tricks to everyone. He covers all types of magic tricks like money magic tricks and more.

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