Daily Magic For Everyday People
everyday people can conjure up or do you have on the line by some of witches and magicians to conjure up? Balderdash! Anyone who wants can conjure. Magic is, in fact, the birth right of every planetary citizen, and that means you! If you are new Magic, or you want to know more about the magic arts, one of the best ways to start is to do every day magic. Everyday Magic is the practice of simple everyday rituals, for your life. It can easily become a part of your daily routine, such as yoga or coffee you drink.
Here are three simple rituals that will help you start your daily practice magic.
1st Need more? Ask Owl!
If you have some information in your life that you can not find on Google, as some spiritual insight, you can check in with the spirit of the owl. The Owl Totem has all the best characteristics of the physical owls: they can see, very good, very good to hear, it can be their heads 180 (eyes on the back of the head), are smart and are excellent hunters. If you have someone to hunt some information for you, the owl is to turn to. Here is how you deal with it daily owl magic.
- Say loud or in thought, "Spirit of owl, I ask your help."
- Wait a few moments until you see the presence of Owl (not more than a few seconds).
- Enter your inquiry. For example, if you need help to see what the relationship to issues in your life, you might say, "Owl, please contact me today and show me what the cause of these accidents in my life. Please show me in a way that I clearly understand. Thank you in advance for your help. "As always, if you appreciation for spiritual help is important.
- remain open, which Owl will show you. Owl May at old memories, you send a phrase from the mouth of a stranger, or take a random encounter with another person. Owl is each and every device, so that you see. The more you are at Owl in your daily practice of magic faster these insights come.
2nd Need energy? Sun burning a candle.
One of the simplest daily magical techniques is the use of solar candle. Create your own source of energy from sun candles as often as you can. Carve a sun in a candle and burn, or simply a bright sunshine yellow candle. Did you know that the Sun Yellow color (bright yellow with orange) is actually nourishes and refreshes your mind? If you're feeling groggy, surly or grouchy, sitting in front of a Yellow Sun lighted candle for a few minutes. It will refresh you and give you happy, joyful energy. Make sure the candle light with paper or wood-games have been butane lighters, making unwanted side effects.
3rd Swing your troubles away
Sometimes a little action is included in your daily practice magic. If you are in a sticky situation and you can not find a way out, use your pendulum to the air. Find a quiet place and sit in the south to the north. Concentrate on the situation you want to delete and start swinging the pendulum in a clockwise direction. Let the pendulum swing to continue until it stops of course - it will be swinging your situation. Then see what changes now that the situation was clarified by your pendulum.
Alan Joel co-founded the Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic with the goal of the helping people create permanent, positive change in their lives through the study of magic and shamanism. Get free magical and shamanic tips and resources at http://www.shamanschool.com and http://shamanmagic.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_Joel
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