Magical Thoughts

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why Do Homes Built on a Slab Draw Pests?

I wish I knew that with a house on a solid foundation concrete slab had to be such a plague magnet, before I ever bought. Looking back at the time in which we had bought our house my wife and I never really to deal with constant problems with mice, ants and spiders sugar on a regular basis. Once there has been 5 years, I can tell you that it's not a spring or fall, that we do not get invaded by a species of pests or other and if I have to do it, I would have avoided the whole house.

The problem with the solid foundation is that it shows how the right to the ground. Right at eye level for mice, spiders, ants, and a range of other household pests. A few things I've discovered over the years is that every spring, autumn and times of bad weather, the mice, ants and spiders immediately rush to seek shelter in my house. I can not even in my garage without having at least one or two of these monstrous black woolly spider climb, for the cover.

In case you were on the market for a new house make sure to keep in mind that if you buy a house on a solid foundation you will definitely need to learn how to kill spiders, mice and ants. A few things you can do to help the situation, the yard trimmed low to the foundation, so that no brush with around the yard, make a good cat catch mouse! If you do not want to spend your time on the plague department at Wal-Mart or on the phone constantly with a chamber hunters definitely other options before buying a house on a blackboard.


Author of Household Pest Control

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