Magical Thoughts

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mother-In-Laws - How to Transform One of the Toughest Family Relationships

If you have a hard time with your mother-in-law with him, I've been there and I know how painful it is! At the beginning of our marriage, my parents criticize me openly and covertly. The conflict reached blow-out units on occasion. Marriage and raising children who are ambitious enough, even without a conflict with our laws. I do not want in-law troubles on anyone. Luckily I have a better way that I share with you.

So, what was the key to transforming the relationship with my in-laws? I was lucky enough to take a course from a woman to take, Suzanne Raja of Warrior Sage. She shared her story go from in-laws, who were dead set against it, to the adored daughter-in-law. It is still better, Suzanne do not sacrifice their values or what they do not want to do to win them. I vowed to follow their approach, and the results were to be so beautiful!

Just to assure you that our conflict was really, I describe some of the challenges we faced in the early years of our marriage. A memorable blow-out occurred while we were visiting them at Christmas. My husband Rob and I were in bed when we heard criticizing his mom and dad too loud to my sister-in-law and I, because 4 dishes were left in the sink after we had had ice cream! Rob stood up and blew them for the removal of his wife and sister-in-law. (We can never say whether the harness was clean or dirty in the dishwasher, so all four of us it in the sink in the first place on the left!) It was a terrible confirmation of my sister-in-law and me, they were hard and devastating in their criticism of us.

After the birth of our first child, everything was even worse. I was struggling with a colicky baby and the transition to parenthood. I felt that I could not measure up to their expectations, and I'm not bothered her for me to see how I am. My husband was great about taking my side, but it was no pleasure for all of us, and I imagined decades of misery with them.

Soon we had another memorable blow-out, if we set a limit to their visits. Considering how I felt criticized by them and their unrealistically high standards, I was not okay with calling them and announced that they would come down the next day for an overnight visit! This often happened to Rob put his foot. It was a very unpleasant experience, she immediately packed and stormed out of our house, vowing never to return.

I hated it, in a battle with the parents of my husband. So I was open, if the solution for me was presented. Rob and I were at a great course on sex, passion and intelligence. The woman, Suzanne Raja, together, as when she first met the family of her husband, they were dead set against it. Her parents are Jamaican and his parents are Indian. They were not OK with her son the choice of a woman from another race.

Suzanne's reaction was brilliant. They decide, not in its rejection of her, which apparently do not remain stuck to the personal, she would have rejected every other woman of her race. Instead, they set the intention that they would win them over, and she did. Suzanne would be selected to right, as were ignorant about their parents, but they choose the path taken to her in-laws from the ignorant position that she created in and peace for future generations.

As I listened to her, made seven or eight years into marriage, I was by the beauty and splendor of their decision. I could clearly see the two different paths in the woods, and I was off the beaten book. I could see that my rejection was in-Laws "of me kind of culture shock, our families were very opposite in most ways. My parents were not really see me, had seen not just as Suzanne's in-laws, past the color of their skin.

Once I was able to make this simple but profound change in perspective, changed my actions. In another article I talk about the importance of beginning with your vision for your family. Our vision for our family wanted a powerful tool for the creation of the family. As soon as I won my vision slowly from his parents had taken over our conflicts began to fade. Over the next few years, even without me is aware that If it happened, not his parents to the enemy, and we began to love each other really. When my last set, then theirs.

Now, it's hard for me to remember fighting with my parents. Ich verehre sie jetzt, und ich weiß, sie lieben mich. Ich genieße ihre Besuche und glaube nicht, dass mein Haus, perfekt zu sein und die Kinder Engel, um ihre Zustimmung zu erfüllen hat. Ich weiß nicht beurteilt fühlen, und ich bin nicht the harsh criticism of them that I was. I appreciate them for bringing my husband into the world and do the best they knew how to use it. We still have profound differences in how we choose our life cause, but I am able to love them anyway, and they me.

What a gift for me, my husband and children, grew up, I am well aware of issues in my parent-laws. It did Alas, because these in-laws were my biological relatives, so I felt somehow drawn into the conflict. This is one of the reasons why I hated it, was so much in conflict with my in-laws. Ironically, the pattern everywhere, my mother -in-law and had their issues too, I was the conflict that took us to the joy of the family, tired, and I am so grateful that it has long been done!

At first I admit I was in a negative enough space that my motivation was partly arrogance. I felt that the fact that I was smart enough to take the upper hand, and to resolve this problem, a bad situation proved my superiority. I'm glad that I have developed past the arrogance. But even though I wish I had more purely altruistic, most importantly, I changed my focus. Finally, that helped me get into an altruistic place.

Thank you and Suzanne Satyen Raja for your amazingly natural and the release of such nuggets of Wisdom! You've changed a negative pattern that existed in both of our families for generations. It has helped me become a better person, mother, wife and daughter-in-law, while also me so much happier. I love my in-laws and now feel truly blessed to have her in my life.


I'd love to hear your experiences with transforming your in-law relationships. Email me at to share your story, make a comment or to ask me a question about in-laws or other parenting issues.

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To great parenting!

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