Magical Thoughts

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sons of the Old Men

"A good name is better than precious ointment ..." CH.7, Vs 1 (ECC)

It was the last time that the name carried great weight with him. Because we were a people (in those distant days) in many countries around the world that much attention to our old men, giving them much honor to the youth in my sixty days before a few years try to ensure good conservation character of their old men, after their names to (especially in the United States, where I grew up with a Russian-Polish family, and even in the seventies in Europe, where I lived for four years).

Such people have won the war, ruled countries, as well as households and children raised reserve and maintain its character and the names of their sons within reproach.

They are, of course, the sons of the old men, old people are now leaving without a good name, their children and their country, felt empty (this void in the vicinity) does not exist in our youth of today.

in many social orders today (societies around the world) and especially in Peru, where I feel at home, even though Peru is a warm society in general, the word of a man is nothing more than a broken branch from a tree to not be given too much attention to reviews, or. Matter of fact, it's the opposite, it looked stupid, and if confronted, be held responsible for those who conduct it is taken as an insult.

No: 473 (9-20-2009) Posted in Huancayo, Peru


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