How Much Better Can it Get?
There have been several recent articles about the Millennial and Gen Ys, and as they do not believe their lives will be better than their parents. But since time began, it has set itself the goal of parents to a better life for their children than they had.
My question is, how much better can it get? We live in the most developed country in the world. Four families live in houses that other countries would hold six families (or more). We have access to and waste more food than any other nation. Electricity and running water are our right, yet millions around the world walk miles each day just to fresh water for their families to drink. Our life is beyond anything people in developing countries could be the dream, but we are always on the lookout for something better.
After the Second World War, which were neutral ways, the unknown in previous generations. They bought a house in Suburbia, each had at least one car, and most had televisions and gramophones. Telephones and radios were no longer a luxury but a necessity of life.
With the neutral, has the largest population explosion the world had ever seen. Millions of Boomers came on the scene and their parents wanted great things for these children. They were given opportunities for higher education, some cars had received certificates (which they sometimes had to work, but sometimes not), and life was good. With the Boomers, the society changed. No longer were we a society of the need for a society want. With the advent of credit cards, we became a nation of instant satisfaction. Transistor radios offered portability previously unknown, we started. Two car families were not only welcome but necessary. The houses are bigger, because every child needs his own space. Share a room? Not for my children. Because we do not want to divide them, as we have space when we were growing up.
The Boomers
If the Boomers started families of their own, they wanted things for their children that they never had. However, to ensure that all mothers went to work and the notion of latch-key children (Generation X) was coined. Cassette players replaced turntables. Kids were given the money to do as it wished, instead of Mom or Dad time with the family. Because someone had to pay for all this.
After her grandparents, the young people of Generation X were born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouths. They got everything they wanted, often before they realized they wanted. But the xers also witnessed their parents by size, right-size, and from their work. They learned to express themselves adequately, but knew they could Mom and /or dad whenever she needs help - mostly in the form of more money.
Generation Y and Millennial
Enter Generation Y and Millennial. These young people were in a world of technology. Phones were for children from school so they could stay in touch with their parents. With Internet connectivity in every home, came twenty-four hour accessibility. Our children are driving better cars than their grandparents. They have never known deprivation. Wait a bit, because we can not afford it? Hey, Mom, we have made of plastic!
Our economy is in recession. And with him is the recognition that our youth May not inherit a world as lush and lucrative as their parents. What more can we invent to make life easier for those who follow? Our planet is in trouble, our resources are exhausted, and outsourcing is the word of the day. We do not build anything - we have to a service economy. What does the future hold for these young people? Your guess is as good as me. Perhaps it is time to consider that this may be as good as it gets. . .
Linda S. Thompson is founder and president of Life Path Solutions, who specializes in helping you understand, work, and live with those around you. She is the author of Every Generation Needs a New Revolution. Linda is available to speak on various topics about the generations and can be contacted through her website. For more information about Linda's books, Workshops in a Box, and lecture topics, along with other free articles, please visit her website at
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