Magical Thoughts

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Development Of Sudoku Puzzles

Walk along the streets of most major cities around the world and you will be hard pressed to see at least one person bent over sudoku puzzles. The puzzles are instant hits, especially in Britain and the United States. As a rule incorrectly, as a Japanese institution, sudoku puzzles actually trace their origins from the western world.

Sudoku puzzles are often associated with Leonhard Euler, a Swiss mathematical genius of the 18th Century. He is credited, the inventor of the magic squares, an atrocious 81-cell grid, which deals with almost infinite variations, so that each column and each row the numbers one to nine. Although the more popular and current sudokus sport the same rule 1-9 and the 81-cell grid, the magic squares are not a mystery. You are merely an expression of Euler's mathematical genius.

In the late 19th Century, the French daily "Le Siècle" came with a little bit, almost like sudokus. But instead of the individual digits 1-9, the puzzle uses double-digit numbers to the puzzle. Following the footsteps of "Le Siècle", another French daily, La France, came with its own puzzle version, the numbers 1-9. But despite the same rules, La France of the puzzle do not share the 81 cells into grids of nine boxes each. Above all, such as the Sudoku puzzles, the solutions to the puzzles La France has always had the numbers 1-9 in the areas where the sub-networks were to be. However, in contrast to the daily Sudoku, these puzzles have been on a weekly basis until the beginning of World War I.

Following the thread of development, today's sudoku puzzles first audience in 1979 won. They were printed anonymously in magazines such as Dell puzzles in the collection "Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games". But instead of labeling the riddle of how sudokus, Dell, the puzzles in the section, Number Place. Although the puzzles have an audience, they are not as popular as it is today still widespread because of restricted circulation. The most recent investigation to identify the author Howard Garns, a retired architect. Although the puzzles do not bear his name, a puzzle story examiner determined that publications that listed the name of yarn as a contribution always had a sudoku inside; meantime Sudoku is not without issues Garns list of names. The mystery of the author's identity was finally solved.

From the West, the development of sudokus to East when the first Nikoli puzzle to Japan in 1984. The day sudoku actually stands for the basic puzzle usually only single-digit numbers. Innovations were introduced to Garns invention as 32-digit restriction idea, and the rotational symmetry of the reference positions. Sudoku puzzles received wide circulation in Japan with a number of newspapers and magazines to produce the puzzles. However, these puzzles with a different name, since the brand was sudoku monicker by Nikoli.

Following extensive rounds of the world's leading newspapers and magazines, sudoku puzzles, the computer jumped on board the ship. Programmers like Loadstar Publishing publishes the first PC-based Sudoku game DigiHunt. Soon, other programmers and Sudoku puzzle fans developed other programs such as Sudoku puzzle generator, sudoku solve, and now, in the era of cyberspace, online games Sudoku. Really, nothing can sudoku puzzles when it comes to expanding their audience.


For more valuable information on sudoku puzzles please visit

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