Magical Thoughts

Friday, February 13, 2009

Reduce Your Entertainment Expenses - Eleven Fun Things to Do on No Budget at All

Although you may no longer be spending so much money for entertainment in recent times, there is no reason to deprive yourself! Here are ten ways to have fun at practically no cost at all:

1. Rent your DVDs from the library. It is a free service, and most libraries have a huge selection of DVD's. To see all the DVD's in a library can be found on the next.

2. The next time you tried to buy a book online, call your local library. If your library does not match the book, the librarian, whether with other libraries for inter-library loan. Librarians are very helpful people. If the wait for book from another library is too long, they will order it just for you! Very nice to librarians.

3. Visit free space for events. Contact the organization hosting the event and provide volunteers. Nobody has ever said, "No" to my offer! I've met Donald Trump and Dr. Deepak Chopra, Walter Cronkite, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Cheryl Richardson, and Robert Kiyosaki of volunteer work. The Learning Annex welcomes volunteers. Check the website.

4. Hold a barbecue instead of eating. You can enjoy nature and food at the same time.

5. Attend a weekend camp-book or seminar. Loral Lange Meier, Raymond Aaron and T. Harv Ecker all hold great free or almost free weekend workshops. See your favorite guru and see what they released the weekend events. You can find the hotel bill in half (if you yourself) by clicking on the organization hosting the event and the request for a roommate with whom you have the additional advantage of an immediate friend. Yes, you will learn about amazing educational packages in the event that you want to buy. Promise to himself that, once you have the care of other obligations, you invest in all of them.

6. Keep a Potluck Dinner. Some of the best events I have always kept costs, the time to 12 calls and a salad.

7. Not only invite people over for food, such as throwing a fashion show or a book swap? Invite your friends, have all the clothes they no longer wear or the books they've read, and trade!

8. Find an interesting event on You can hike the Appalachian Trail for a dollar or a stroll through Manhattan for two people.

9. Start Toastmasters International program. If the cost of the membership of the number of weeks in a year, I think the cost of fifty cents per session.

10. Questions about Yahoo, Tweet on Twitter and blog on WordPress. These three activities are not only countless sources of entertainment and new friends, they can be made in cash flow!

11. Pull out your knife or roll your bike and call a friend!

This list is endless as your imagination! So much fun, and even if you feel a pinch in your wallet in the area lately, remember that life is the only true currency.


Joy van Hemert
Please follow me at

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