Magical Thoughts

Friday, February 13, 2009

Some Lessons on Home

That's not so much a pet annoyed because it is a remark on the concept of "Home." I do not think that we really appreciate home until we find it for a while, if it is to go to school, the military, or we just grow up and away. Even if we are on a business trip for a day, week or longer, we will back to our own environment, where we can "kick back, scratch, belch, and will be us. It is our fortress of solitude.

If we're away from home for an extended period, we notice small changes after our return, perhaps a new road sign, new neighbors, the house next door, painted or altered the landscape, or even the creation of your home has changed a bit. However, You still know the roads, the people, the weather, the food, together with the schools and buildings. Even if your bedroom was in a room, it is still "your" room with all its hidden nuances.

This leads to an important point, I tend to believe that home is where your parents are. Sure, some things have changed, but at home is still essentially the same as your parents have the same routine, talk the same way of things, and enjoy the same comfort food and special snacks you used to. That is, it is a factor associated with the predictability home. Even if your parents move, such as retired to Florida, whose new house or apartment has a resemblance to her old, they decorate it the same way they organize and store what the same way, and the pace and cooking are still the same. in other words, you intuitively know where everything is and can predict what for dinner, what they see on television, and if everyone go to bed.

Even if your parents die and the house was sold, and now live hundreds of miles away, there is still a special fondness for the your heart "at home." Home is much more than a physical structure that defines what we once were and who we are, it is our roots, our values, our likes and dislikes, our beliefs, and it is our growing pain experienced, where we both triumph and disaster.

Unfortunately, some people drift through life without any idea of home, perhaps to a failed marriage, or perhaps they were orphaned. This turn of events can emotionally scar a person and let them with an identity crisis, never knowing their place in the world. As such, the home is of course much more than just a roof over our heads, it's an interesting tapestry of expression of our personality, our values, and how we want to live our life. It is quite clear where the heart is. pity those who do not have.


Tim Bryce is a writer and management consultant located in Palm Harbor, Florida.

He can be contacted at:

Copyright � 2009 Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.

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