Magical Thoughts

Sunday, May 11, 2008

How to unravel a dream

There is no mass Dream Interpreter different. Someone they enjoyed, and some they seem quite dumb. Looking at several different Dream Interpreter, I lost any interest to them. Unclear on what principle they were. But once, in one of the books, I stumbled upon on the interpreter of dreams, which I am very interested. Today, I loaded only advice on the interpretation of dreams from the aforementioned book. Later, after being brought into a proper appearance, posted to a blog characters dreams and examples of interpretation of dreams.
Guide to the dream

The number of characters coming to us during dreams, almost indefinitely, but reproduced here is a list of dreams for most suitable subject to the following rules:

1. Pay attention to the general feeling of dreams - they tell you in what sense (positive or negative) should be interpreted observed characters.

2. Remember "scenario" dreams. Already in the course of events concluded a lot of very useful for interpreting information, because the original sequence of events indicate correct way to
Thus, begin dream contains a real message, addressed to you, as an evolving story will report the necessary details.

3. Historical characters, historical events and places of action should be viewed in the context of true events, taking into account the date and place. Dates must be viewed as numbers, for example: March 12, 1807 = 12 + 03 + 1807 = (1 +2) 3 + (1 8 0 + 7) = 3 + 3 + 16 = 3 + 3 + (1 + 6) = 3 + 3 + 7 = 13
If the amount would be 33 more, with the help further reduce the number of addition to one digit.

4. Famous people of today must be viewed in terms of their activities available to them the values and create images.

5. Tools and devices symbolize the appropriate actions associated with their use. Try to
find the possible significance of such characters in the list: for example, images of ordinary oven, microwave oven or toaster, depending on the context in which they appear, may indicate that the meal, ie the need for spiritual "recharge".

6. Be sure to pay special attention not only to each of the characters, but also on their overall number. If you see more than one - count them all.

7. Always pay attention to the color of clothing, furniture, plant availability, type and hair color, eyes, etc.

8. By the emergence of something unknown or invisible in a dream about how to a stranger; same person if you sign, consider it their snovidyaschim, ie aspect of your own.

9. Scenes from your past should be seen as demonstrating the need for vspominaniya corresponding period of your life.

10. Past relationships with family members, friends and acquaintances indicate the need for data vspominaniya relations.

11. If the nightmares are scenes from the past, then you must immediately and seriously address vspominaniem because nightmare indicates that some overwhelming emotions reached a critical point "boil". If the same night the horrors of events relating to the present, it means that you point to the need for sober reflection and merit. Unfamiliar events indicate future upheaval that either will prove dangerous, or will you have a strong stress.

12. Repeating dreams indicate the nature of past events that are meaningful, but did not receive permission, or predict future events that are in the canvas of your destiny. Carefully monitor such dreams, podmechaya signs of further developments.

13. Most characters not included in the list contained here, you can quite easily interpreted literally, if you have an unknown character - rely on their own feelings or personal significance of symbols for you. But until you do not pick up confidence in the analysis of dreams, his interpretation is perceived only as an option, not as unequivocal fact.

14. Despite the fact that the list fairly accurate interpretation of symbols, may sometimes happen that differs from the interpretation of symbols specified in the list. In this case, remember that no one interpretation can not be considered absolutely infallible truth. The list of characters and their interpretations - just a rough guide to the dreams of peace and no more! Therefore, always listen to your heart and feel if in doubt, wait showing any evidence.

15. Using the testimony of time, you can use these data as digital (as in the electronic clock) and analog (as in the Clock) form. Digital time testimony read faster and easier to use, but analog contain more details necessary. However, both methods are equally accurate and with the correct interpretation (although in different form) tell you virtually the same thing. Here are ways of working with the testimony of time:

Digital evidence:
Use the daily cycle of display time (for example, 14:56).
For the interpretation of numbers 14 and 11 (5 + 6 = 11) use information from the section "Numbers". Do not forget: what should be interpreted - positive or negative - tell you a sense of self dreams. Suppose that in this example, the interpretation should be positive. The number 14 indicates the knowledge that carries a force (11). Now, define the general thrust of the message that emerged all figures testify time (1 + 4 + 5 + 6) = 16. The result indicates that the general thrust is to relieve through the use of force intent (16).

Analog testimony:
Never mix analog to digital testimony of time (ie, in our example, the testimony of time would sound like "without four minutes three daily").
In the same way as in the previous case, we will learn the meaning of the message: sustainability (4) through the joy and creativity (3) will lead you to a mixed abundance. Fold numbers, we get: 4 + 3 = 7. The figure 7 points to the overall meaning of the message: something must lead you forward.

Now compare the two messages is that knowledge (14) manifest itself in the form of sustainability (4), which through the joy and creativity (3) will give you force (11) in the form of mixed abundance. Common sense is to release by force intent (16) manifested in the form that leads you to forward (7). Pay attention to how the number of 16 is produced with the assistance of the resignation of the figure 7.
Working with analog time, make sure you have correctly read the testimony of time - for example, the time of 9 hours 15 minutes should be understood as "nine and a quarter". In this case, preceded by hours of minutes, hence, clock indicate why a minute - a consequence. If the same time will be 9 hours and 45 minutes, it should be interpreted as "no quarter ten", ie in the last minute if preceded by hours and minutes because determine the cause, and watches - a consequence.


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