Why Some Males Are Considered To Be A "Mama's Boy"
Weaning or resignation?
Bonding with mom is an important part of a Monkey's development. But just as with people, some children are easy to wean, while others cling. Now a study of the monkey links these differences in the supplement to a gene known to play an important role in addiction.
Christina Barr and colleagues at the National Institute on Alcoholism and alcohol abuse study the mu-opioid receptor gene, because it tells brain cells to the fact that the receptors respond to opium-like molecules, including the body's natural painkillers and other chemicals pleasure, but alsolike in drugs, alcohol and nicotine. Some people have a version of the gene that is much more sensitive to the rewarding effects of these chemicals than people without these version.
"It is thought that people who have more experience following a high take a drink to go regularly consume alcohol and therefore are vulnerable to the development of alcohol addiction, "says Barr. "We have actually been studying this gene in ... rhesus macaques, a similar alternative form of the gene on the one hand, that the present in humans. And what really fascinated me was the fact that you had this very similar, with the variation in two unrelated species, because it suggested to me the possibility that there was any kind of benefit for a sensitive mu-opioid receptor. "
" Maybe at an early stage in the evolutionary history of humans, [this gene Variants] would have transferred some kind of benefits, but then now in modern society, where we have access to drugs and alcohol, [the differences] can be an individual more at risk for the development of addiction, "she says a explains.
Barr natural place to look was at in the field of emotional attachments, personal and social facilities are also taught through the brain of the wage system. There is also an obvious way that a stronger relationship with his mother would beneficial.
"The development of an infant attachment to his mother or supervisor is of crucial importance for the child to survive because it offers not only food but also protection against Looting and injuries and other types of hazards, "says Barr.
The researchers in collaboration with researchers at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, had collected observations of differences in attachment behavior in colonies of rhesus monkeys. In addition, the genotype monkeys and could compare their behavior with their DNA.
They published their results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .
"These children have this alternative form of the gene, making them more sensitive seemed to be more clingy with their mothers, "she says. "So even earlier in childhood, they spent more time in social contact with their mothers."
And to six months old, the monkeys are also resistant to weaning. "This is the time when the most babies are becoming increasingly independent, they explore their environment, interacting and playing with their peers. And what we found was that animals that this alternative form of Mu-opioid receptor gene were not exhibit these behaviors. "
She says it is striking how these practices are similar to addiction. "In some ways it is very similar effects that you would see in times of intoxication and withdrawal."
She says the next step is to find out whether the link is true in people. If so, it could help both in the prevention and treatment of addictions.
Barr and senior author Markus Heilig say: "If it the case that in humans there is a common genetic link between early and later plant differences alcohol consumption, this could actually us with strategies for early prevention of personalized alcohol-related disorders. "
As for treatment, other studies have shown that a drug acts on the receptor-naltrexone seems to be more efficient alcoholics with the sensitive form of the gene. "If a person has a story that a plant disorder, or has a current disorder investment, you might be more likely to recommend trying this type of medication for the treatment of their alcohol problem."
But the researchers add that everyone can be addictive - if drugs or alcohol. This gene is only one factor that has been found to help people "risk.
The research is also contributing to the seizure research. Attachment disorders such as anxiety, are generally attributed to abuse, neglect or other poor parents in early childhood, and not as a genetic basis.
If some differences in the plant are due to genetic variations, it could be something clear enough Barr themselves as mothers wonder about.
"This could lead us perhaps why we have a child that we treat, Way, and it represents a kind of behavioral response to our trip ... and then on the other hand, we may have another child - even if we are with them in a very similar way-otherwise could respond, "she says." Because there are not only the environment variables and the behavior of the mother, the impact on the development of mother-child attachment, but also potentially a number of different genetic variables as well. "
This study was published online in PNAS Early Edition the week of March 31, 2008, and financed by the intramural research programs of National Institute for Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
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