The Key (A Fairytale) - Chapter 5 - Fertile Soil (Part 2)
A John replied: "Your selfless service to help others during the end times of your sphere has rewarded you with a chance to exist without the burden of a body, but will benefit from the sense of seeing, listening and thinking. Without deeper understanding, however, return to your physical body come as soon as a sudden storm, although an intangible nature life, to human reckon, is thousands of years. Nevertheless, enjoy your temporary freedom for the moment when the time comes , Back into a human form difficult.
If be limited only to relax and enjoy your reward, without deeper in the direction of reality, you will certainly go back to a terrestrial sphere, and then know what will happen. It is much safer, the go beyond the human body permanently, while you can, and never return to the human form is not only the mental and physical pain, but also as a threat. You could easily lose themselves in another long cycle of rebirth. "
"Yes, I know," Seufzte them. "This is the reason why I need your help, so I never return. In my previous sphere was caught in constant warfare. Nothing was resolved without violence, no country was prepared in shares or their wealth. Greed, hatred , Fear and decided to peoples' hearts, as a disease spread among all countries. It was never compromises, just kill them. Each country was as aggressive and ambitious as the other was as violent as well. There has never been a peace.
I was so disappointed. I felt so out of place, and sometimes I also thought that perhaps I was wrong and that the killing was justified. But by some cosmic accident, it was me, it was beyond my power everything to influence, I have the best thing I could. "
" It was not by a cosmic coincidence that you experienced such violence, "said John. "Someday soon, when you progress in the internal work, you will see your past lives and better understand why you were in this area. The inner work is the only thing that will assure that you will not return if you really not serious about risking a return flight. Also practicing only once will significantly reduce your number of future life in human form, and if you actually practice of internal work with passion and dedication, there is a way to a Stream providers. "
" May I ask what a stream operator, "she said inquired.
" Yes, "replied John. "A stream is a market participant, is reborn in human form only seven times less or a guarantee for possible non-return flight. You see, Savaka, the intangible area are now enjoy can be achieved in many ways - through a" compassionate person, as you are, or through various practices or religions. There are many means to temporarily on human existence. In order to overcome them permanently, but ... ahh, this is more difficult. Many religious practices and good deeds could not yet requiring insight to insure stream entrance. "
Stream entrance! What was, I thought. Apparently it was something tangible, something I could sink my teeth into and do. I need to know more about him. And sure enough, John obliged.
" Attaining stream input ensures escape of human, or less in seven lifetime never to return, "he continued." Then, after receiving stream are the advanced stages. The second phase of the stream, the entry-Once Returner. This is followed by the third stage, the Non-Returner. The fourth and final phase occurs after the key was found, and this would be the key Keeper.
These rare key holder live life this last time up to their physical body go the way of nature. At this stage of their choice to move, either on a place for me impossible to describe Savaka consider that you are a newcomer to the intangible world, and that your level of understanding has deepened, not yet sufficient, or keeper of the keys back into a Sphere, may be here to help raise awareness of the residents. "
He smiled at the little intangible," Have you had some time to get into your new empire here, and how to deal with the internal work, you will have the opportunity to help people by a helper. In this way, you can always understanding of these complex questions of the mind. At the moment, however, you have a decision. You can reach in your beautiful and do nothing, the assurance of a fall back into human form, or you can continue the efforts, with the help of internal work, and go on. This is a choice you must use your freewill. If you are at the beginning of the inner work, then you have a picture of the roadblocks to Stream entry and start working on these. "
Roadblocks! Well were always somewhere. Roadblocks This sounded like a challenge and would be a measure of my progress. I loved challenges. I had hoped that John would mention what they were - and he obliged again.
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