Magical Thoughts

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Ghost Stalkers - (Part Two To "The Hermit's Ghostly Dilemma")

I remained there that night, Josh O'Hara's cabin in the Minnesota Wild (Hibbing), I could perhaps come to some conclusion, what has taken place, and I felt as the eerie night went on, death stalked it, I think the ghosts that he so willingly stalked they feared, yes, he had a good reason to fear, I was not to believe in its history in the first, I'm not a detective, I have, but they were out there in the dark as a breeding I was breathing, pace and in his log cabin, such insights, too late too often. And then I heard footsteps, especially with the light traces outside, my ears to hear such things trained for war, I could hear the grass is bent, as if with Faen and reminds me they were there, the Ghost stalking, and perhaps it They were also Josh residue spirit about them, because I heard his voice in agony Being Dead it meant nothing at this moment for me, I was shivering in the over-heated lodge my veins like ice, step by step, I heard the laughter Stalker, as spies, trapping a mouse that is how I felt that I think the mouse, she heard my breathing, it seemed, I went to the right side of the hut, the trail went outside the hut to the hut on my side, a network of vicious intrigue for them, for me, a desperate and dangerous game, I wanted to go. Why they simply will not come into the hut was, for me, maybe they were forbidden to entweihen, injured or with their malignant heart, the place of death, code perhaps among them, because they do not want their death beds dishonored, like, as I always say.

The deburring logs in the house of the dead Fae, I just wanted everything to end this terror, loose in the cabin, always out of it, from this night, never to forget this night it was tried all on my system, it was as if my immune system no longer hiding in the city, it was cascading from the inside out, in my opinion is empty, then I passed out.

(Twenty years later) Suddenly 2:00 AM It happens again, as it happens every night, every night has happened since that long night in the cabin in the woods Hibbing in Minnesota, at different times of course, since I spent that evening in Josh O'Hara ' s hut, the voices in the forest came back to me, come back to me, like wild flail through my head, it was a very gripping horror again, I can not tell you the whole history of this supernatural happens, no more than what you already know, fantastic as it is, but I have my ear that night, I think the spirits, slowly, very slowly during the course of this evening killed something in me. It is as I said, 2:00 AM, and I hear this incredibly exciting voices, and that was twenty years old, I was in O'Hara's hut, but I must stop this writing, I am tired, I need sleep, it is now 3:00 AM ... yes, it all begins again!

Part of either story (The Hermit) was written 4-18-2007; part two, was written (The Ghost Stalker) on 8 August 2008.


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