Magical Thoughts

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How to Avoid Quitting Your Family History Research - Trace Your Family Genealogy

Being able to get a new clue or a link in your family research are new signs of hope, finally tracking your family history. It is a common response to you the thrill of excitement, but sometimes you have to control your emotions for the possibilities of let downs. They could not despair and discourage you go with your family research. Things like these happen, probably more time than expected. Before you jump with joy better your cool and follow your new knowledge with more proofs.

Below are some theories that most people share and by the end quit because they do not have the ideas to find ways to further investigate and more. They rely on the data you have collected easily. If you simply have acquired some useful resources your family history, his wise, independent studies on the data you have in hand. In this way, you unlock the secrets of your family and the more research accurate.

Always check the number of marriage

Never concluded that the children have a common mother or father. If your search on the basis of the man's point of view, the children could come from other sources of women. It could come from this woman, or his wife sooner or even a woman after you have found. Remember that parents is one of the hardest things to be documented, unless you know. Woman died at birth all the time. It was not unusual for a man to have 2 or more wives.

If you can not find a marriage record to support your family from his research perhaps because these reasons:

- A large part The first marriages were not documented at the time of marriage. It could have taken 5 years or so before the marriage could be written down in a court building.

- Maybe there is not a court house or even a church, many of the early marriages took place in the home.

- Hundreds of records were burned during the Civil War War.

Expand your family history research and examine all possible turn of events in the past

Don't always assume that your ancestors came from the same state that their neighbors came from. Genealogy family includes ways of migration. In this case migration routes were essentially the same, but not every person follow the same route. You have the research further.

If you do not find your ancestors in the next census to collect and you assume it is because they are old and died, not simply assume. Yes, most people live, the normal life expectancy, but the people live on a much higher age also.

You need further research, look in the vicinity of their homes, as each of them named their children, and court records, if they witness each other documents.

Don 't assume that your Jr. has found exactly the same name as Sr. years, the words aunt, uncle, Jr., Sr., and cousin were also used when the individual was no relation, in other words, they were very loose. Example: You've noticed that the country records Jr. and Sr. listed, but these only 2 Men randomly the same name, so the distinction between the two, Jr. and Sr. used.

Do were not always assume that the name of an individual is a boy or girl's name. Parents sometimes just a name we liked and it sounds like a girl, but then it was a boy. Some names were originally years boys name, but now they are girls. Parents also named their children after a famous person or a long relative.

Don 't always assume that a woman with the same surname as her father is not married. Men marry women have had the same surname as they did. This happened a lot back if the budget were scattered far apart and relation lived fairly close together; distant cousins married cousins and distant cousin's uncle married or aunts.

Keep in mind that divorced women sometimes have their original names and Widows sometimes have same.

Don 't assume that your ancestors died in the same place he or she was never born and moved around. It was not uncommon for people to move their families many times, but as they get older, most of them back to live closer to their family. The best way to work on this is to create a time line and research many of the areas that they lived.

If your ancestors lived in a city or region and then they lose not only assume that they are up and moving. There are other reasons you may have lost. The district that your ancestors lived had broken into several districts, or they could live on the dividing line 2 counties. You have the research of the surrounding counties.

Being a genealogist and historian of the family, beliefs, what does the research, but you have to see how the trick and an assumption prove or disprove them with further evidence.


Stellar Montealegre is the internet sale representative of Family Origin. She can give expert advice, guidelines and personal views on how to properly conduct family research and family tree making. You can find more readings related to family genealogy in her personal blog at Know Your Family History and on Trace Your Family Genealogy.

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