Celtic Symbolism - Revealing the Meanings in Celtic Art
There is an undeniable aura surrounding Druid Celtic designs and traditions. Although I have a strong commitment to the family in Ireland and Scotland, you do not need a Celtic heritage to be lured by the culture. It has been said that as long as they respect Mother Earth and a feel affinity with the Celtic people, you also have a Celtic soul.
The meanings behind all the spirals, knots, labyrinths, and crosses have fascinated many people for many centuries . As you will find all of these symbols in this book, a brief explanation of some of the most popular interpretations are listed below:
Celtic knot:
Quite perhaps the most famous of all symbols is the Celtic knots. The design artfully interwoven with no beginning and no end is intended as an expression of the Celts' belief in the eternity. Ancient Druids and the Celts believed in a life without end, with the death of only a transition into a new phase. While all node samples contain this element of eternal life, some designs are of the view that the transport of more specific meanings.
For example, or triquestra Trefoil node refers to the importance of the Druid is the number 3 is the number of fate. Te Construction was such a hallmark of the Celtic people, the Irish Christians found a way to convert it into their new faith with the adoption of the symbol as a representation of the Blessed Trinity.
spiral galaxies:
There seems to be a lot of debate about the true meaning of spirals in Celtic art. direction of the spiral, and the number of revolutions seems to affect the meaning behind the picture, therefore, we will discuss some specific configurations.
Triple spiral known as the triple goddess or triskele, symbolized the girl /Mother /female stages of life, or the three stages of Moon.
Double spiral means equilibrium. also believed to Equinox, a time when day and night are equal in length.
Clockwise spiral While the Druids tend to favor the moon in their symbolism, this design is actually a representation of the sun. a loose spiral wound would embody an expansive summer sun, while a spiral wound firmly expressed the shorter days and long nights winter.
maze or Step Patterns:
Symbolic the journey we take in our lives, the labyrinth was frequently during prayer or meditation. Focusing on the design reminds us that life is full of options and open doors, as well as obstacles to overcome.
Finally, we come to the simple circle, the building block for Celtic How mandala images. It is a universal symbol of the circle of life, birth, death, rebirth. interweaving of circles is the basis for many Celtic node with the number of circles symbolize something more.
Note often that the combination of the above 3 knots triquestra circles formed in the middle. on the other hand, five circles linked together form the circle of being a representation of the Druid four earthly elements are forever united by a fifth element, balance.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Normand
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