Magical Thoughts

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What Is True Entertainment?

If it is a thing in life I really enjoy films and music. There is no better feeling after watching a major film for the first time. The same could be said about listening to a great song for the first time. I do not know what I would do if movies and music never existed.

From the first film I can remember ever to watch the last one. I have always loved films. It does not matter what kind of film it is either. I like all types even kid films, which seems to have become much more adults over the years. Movies are an escape from reality. Whether good or bad, as I call it a mini-vacation. It is a great opportunity, every weekend for a few hours. Movies are the modern books and over time to certain films are legendary. Like certain books about time.

The only thing that can be compared to my love of cinema should be music. It is a cornerstone in many cultures and can also be defined. Music can also be a person. It is the expression of feelings, thoughts, attitudes, ect. It is, a person is not only what they heard. The same could be said of cultures. Music is what they are and what they have become. Music can tell stories about everything. Regardless of whether they are true or false, you are the judges. It is a way for themselves and everyone you want be.

Movies and music are the best forms of entertainment. Both are exciting and informative. They take you from one extreme to another. We are really in the information age with films and music the leading way.

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