Magical Thoughts

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Key (A Fairytale) - Chapter 3 - Broken Wings (Part 2)

The next morning I discovered a dull axe behind the house that I'm coming to a sharpened knife edge. I thought that cutting a few days' supply of firewood and stacked them neatly along the fence to repay the girls for their thoughtfulness would be a good idea. I must admit I was pretty young woman with the issue so much love and so little fear. "If they only knew who I really was:" I mused.

While I was stacking the wood, I noticed some missing shingles from the roof. "Why not?" I thought: "I could they repay graciousness with some repairs before I leave, and it should not take more than a few hours. It would be the right thing to do, and I could go away from mid-morning. "

When I said Maradin my intentions, she was thrilled." How wonderful, "she cried." It began to leak inside, but I had no idea , How to fix it. My father took care of things like that, and I must apologize that my fiancee is so busy hunting, he has no time to do a lot to do this. "

As I saw and listened to her, I was always concerned about this absent fianc�.

I worked the whole day on the roof, which was much worse condition than I had originally thought, and as I discovered more shingles into disrepair, I found myself still working on it three days later. Around noon my third day, came Maradin bounce of the cottage with a basket of foodstuffs and announced, "What a beautiful day for a picnic! Well, do not say 'no' because I have too much work packaging This basket, get off that roof and helps me to find a nice, shady spot by the river! "

Over the course of just a few days, we had discovered a deepening affection for each other. And although this invitation was innocent enough, I had to be careful. But how could I refuse someone in this charming?

We started on the lawn, and how a small Girls, it is the basket on the floor and began to run. "Let's race! But you have to carry the basket, "they screamed as they flew race for the wood line.

I grabbed the basket and ran after her, so they lead me to a stand of tall, shady trees that a sparkling, crystal-clear stream . We were there from the Fang our breath for a moment, and I could not help notice her glowing skin, from which only a trace of perspiration.

We went through the soft ferns lined the banks of the stream until we came to a shady, spot with a view to the sun-drenched grassy meadow. The noise of water trickling quietly washed more than half under water, shiny rocks announcement to the small, hungry fish, held their seats in the current tidbit that their treasures were soon to float downstream . An occasional whisper of warm winds through the trees remain silent was the only other thing that could be heard, as I was swept away by her smile and her soft hair, and their beautiful eyes. She was so beautiful today.

The picnic lunch was delightful and creative, another example of its many magical abilities, and how they reminisced about their childhood and their fondness for their parents, I was banned. I was cautious, but to avoid talking about my real past and conjure up some humorous stories about an The lives of citizens in the kingdom. How could a few White Lies spoil everything?

We talked and laughed into the early evening and at one point mentioned, when I was her fiance and asked about their plans, they looked away immediately, of course try to keep , Back tears.

Now I was convinced that they are in a kind of anger, but it was right to press the question? A part of me was sensitive to their feelings, but another, graere part, my instincts warriors Was to protect these vulnerable girls in the wilderness, no matter what.

The pent up five years of loneliness tore at me, and I timidly my arms around her, she slowly turned and looked at, so vulnerable, with tears streaming face.

Powerful about their feelings overwhelmed me. I suddenly realized that I would gladly give my life for this girl, even though I had only known her for such a short time, and as I quietly kate away her tears, that I tasted the a, salty nectar of desire... And we embraced as lovers have done to the original forests since the beginning of time.

We both went silently back into the hut, where I said good night and retired to the barn. The small, nor voice in my heart again pleaded with me to leave, asked me to leave, but my mind has convinced me that a real man would not helpless desert a girl in distress. I had to stay a while longer and solve this puzzle on her Fiance when it actually was a fianc�.

Over the next two weeks, I discovered that the cabin needed extensive repairs and continue to work, promising me every day that I will soon leave. The episode in a meadow embarrassed both of us, and nothing more. But I knew they felt as I did.

The fiance was never again, and I began to think that perhaps Maradin had concocted this whole story about a fiancee, dealing with a kind of notional security . You could have invented their brothers and give the impression that someone was there for them. Perhaps it was nobody at all, two could say little White Lies! Maradin was probably alone, perhaps fending for themselves in this lonely, forlorn corner of the world .

One night, as usual, I retired to the upper gallery of the barn on the comforting, hay-muffled sounds of snorting and stomping of the animals in their stalls. It was an occasional, distant whinny conqueror, my scout, alerting me of its fate in the forest. It was peaceful here. I liked it, and as I drove off to sleep, pictures of the beautiful and mysterious Maradin danced in my mind.

Just after midnight, I was awakened by banging his conqueror hoof against the barn door . It was followed by loud screams. I looked and could see that the lanterns were lit in the hut, and a large black horse was tied. The horse shoulders, old wounds, long healed and give it was a Warrior ' horse to a certain point, but now apparently belonged to a hunter, because the saddle was a powerful longbow, a quiver of arrows, and the usual blankets and water jugs. The horse looked familiar but vague, but I could not quite place. I got out of the attic and cautiously approached the hut. Through the window I could see a large, well-built man shows his finger at Maradin and rage.

What was crying with me to do? Was this a lover's dispute That I did not disturb business, or was she in danger? I knocked timidly, in the hope of distraction, the man from his tirade.

The door swung open violently, and with a nasty smirk, the hunters spit in my face. "This the eyes, idiot key seekers sleeping with them, "he barked. (To be continued)

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