Magical Thoughts

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sibling Conflict? 10 Reasons You Are Not Close With Your Baby Boomer Brothers and Sisters

Siblings have a special day for themselves? Yes. 10th April is National Day of siblings, a day to honor your brothers and sisters - whether they are still alive or not. (

This is a day to achieve and to say, if you are happy, "I love you." If you are not so fortunate, as have a good relationship with your brother or sister, use this day to the "real" reasons that you do not .

Most people have their own explanations for why they do not get along with or as Their siblings. But after 38 years working with adult siblings, I have come to understand that most often the source of problems arises from - it parents.

Let me say quite clearly that I am not blame parents. Her parents have probably the best they knew, but unintentionally, the parents are in seven of the top ten reasons for the siblings conflicts.

  1. child safety Preference
  2. children recreate parents conflicts
  3. parents siblings recreate their own problems with their children
  4. parents is the "master operator" for the siblings
  5. crystallize Behavioral parents assign roles for each Child
  6. Dysfunctional parents cause trouble divert siblings together
  7. Dysfunctional parents cause siblings to isolate itself
  8. younger siblings feel abandoned since moved away earlier
  9. cultural predilection in looks, skills, personality
  10. mental illness and neurological conditions

Parents set up to fight, be jealous, will be removed. If they had children, they brought their own problems with their siblings - perpetuating generational change siblings pattern. If you back to your parents, your siblings and grandparents siblings on both sides of your family are a few surprises relations, which look a lot like what you do with your sister and brother.

Once you understand where your bad feelings you started, have a better chance to solve the problems in your relationships. Their anger on them is not based on what your sister has in the last year or how your brother treat you a few years ago. Their problems with each other, but the next step in the history of a family problems.

But siblings, you can change. This 10th April, call your brother and sister; discuss these 10 statements. See how the doors open to a new perspective on the conflicts you have with your brothers!

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