Magical Thoughts

Monday, June 23, 2008

Build the Proper Foundation and Your Children Can Withstand Any Storm

When I was thirteen years old, my moral foundation has been tested, if my best friend called me all excited and said to come over to his house. He lived in an old two-house with a large attic that you walk in. He was in the attic and found an old Playboy magazine with a photo of a young model, stares into the camera wearing a top. We could see her naked breasts.

Moral behavior aside, with the exception of National Geographic photos, it was the first time we had seen naked breasts. For us, this photo was a treasure, and it could be more treasures in the walls of the house! Imagine these two thirteen-year-old boy to the attic and reached down between 2 x 4 's in the walls of this old house in search of more pictures of naked woman.

Everyone know it is only through , what you would expect from thirteen-year-old boy. But back to that day, there was no cable TV, and we saw shows like The Brady Bunch and Gilligan's Iceland. There was no Internet, nor was it in the newspapers grocery store check-out promising the top ten sex secrets to make your lover go crazy.

My friend nor I finally perverted, because we had parents, drew the line in the sand and enforced the rules. There were not many outside influences countermanding these provisions. Today, a child may be on the Internet and you will find pictures and even videos of people doing things we never imagined, when my friend and I were thirteen years old.

As I am older, I look back and found that more when I confronted was different and challenging conditions, I had been blessed, because I had a strong moral foundation. Our parents established a strong foundation of morals for each of us. Once we had the foundation, we could say no to all the negative influences on the world.

It 's our role as parents now, to give our children strong moral foundation. If you have a solid foundation, your children will be successful adults and it is the foundation with them through what the future has in store. The scary part about today's world is that there are several external influences than ever before, and they have an influence on your children. Again, every generation has its challenges. Here are the steps you take to establish your moral authority, so that you can create young adults who have the same basic values you do.

Five tips for setting up a moral foundation for your Children

1. You are the most important role model and influence that they have or will ever have. They will model your behavior for years. Also, in colloquial terms, do not just talk the talks, the walk. Live the way you want them to live. This is the strongest influence in their lives. As adults, we are always looking for advice about how to behave. Children are like scanners, constantly on the alert so that they model for the kind of life you want them to live. Be honest, treat people the way you want to be treated, make your decisions about love - not fear. Give more than you receive.

2. Control their access to the Internet. If they have their own computer, it should not be in her room. It should be outdoors, where they are, to use it. If I have a computer, when I was a teenager, I know for sure I would be out there Googling for sparkling pictures.

3 naked. Communicate with your children, but not as their best friend. You have many friends, and if your best friend, you are on an equal footing with other friends. They need to get more authority than just a friend. Friends come and go. Friends can be influential. You have to be the rock that they are always on the compass that always points to true north. In today's environment, our children want us to them by their parents, not as their best friend. Life can be a bit confusing for them, so you have to do much explaining.

4. Setting up your house as a safe place. What I mean by that is, you have the introduction of rules and consequences if these rules are broken, but they must know that they can speak to you about everything, and that you always have their best interest at heart. You must know that they are on you when they make decisions that may not be popular with their friends.

5. Keep your finger on the pulse of their lives. Knowledge, they are hanging with, know what they see on television, and know what they hear. I do not mean go through their drawers and snoop. You'll never see or know them all get that it can not. They are not on their shoulders moment of time, but you have a sense of what kind of friends they choose. Do not let them retreat into a world of their own when they listen to their MP3 players all the time. There are a lot of poison is sold under the label of music. What are they see on TV? My children saw MTV and sometimes I have to turn it off. Other times, she saw things that I do not care. I personally do not believe that there is something worthy on MTV, but ultimately they were not of damage, because we had a good balance. You can not protect them from everything, but do not get so wrapped up in your own life that you do not know what they are doing, and their vision and how they interact with people.

If you are lucky to have relatives nearby, can help , Mould moral behavior - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins - they can also have a positive influence. If you do not have families, there are friends, neighbors, parents of other children, teachers, community programs, etc.

It 's the old saying, "It takes a village to a child." They want to create that virtual surround village on your children as much as possible with positive influences healthy, so that you can establish a strong moral foundation.


Len Stauffenger's parents taught him life's simple wisdom. As a divorced dad, he wanted to share that simple wisdom with his girls. "Getting Over It: Wisdom for Divorced Parents," his book, is the solution. Len is an author, a Success Coach and an Attorney.

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