Magical Thoughts

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Key (A Fairytale) Deeper in the Valley - Chapter 9 - (Part 1)

We there is a way in the general direction of the passport, and put into operation. The slope was gentle at the beginning, but after one day climbing, steepened it, and then the bad weather. Before I knew it, I found myself on foot through the deepening snow in my bare Faen, while fighting a howling wind, blinded by myself after the way. I wrapped my tattered robe firmly around me, but it was no help, and when I finally could not feel my Fae more, I had no other choice but to mount conquerors and add to its detriment on the treacherous Tracks. This was more than just dangerous, it was proving to be fatal, and as I looked down on the warm, quiet valley between wind gusts, I could not help but reflect on how things in life can change so unexpectedly We .

rose higher and higher towards the clouds, the propellant such as lost souls, and with nothing to eat, along with the altitude and bitter cold, I found myself quickly lose consciousness and desperately tried to hang conquerors in the neck. But when the big horse began to fluctuate, I knew then that the mountain was about to claim two more victims inexperienced, because we had now gone past the point of no return. We could never make it down again.

I fought to remain conscious. I knew that if I fell back from the Conqueror, I was. But it was increasingly difficult to think clearly, and even if I could, what to do? When I tried desperately to concentrate, a small, white rabbit unexpectedly appeared from nowhere and dieted back and forth trying, under which the horse hooves, as if to sacrifice to feed us. Conqueror stopped, and I was not moving. I would rather die than Eat This selfless creature.

Then the rabbit looked directly at me for a moment before they suddenly became a point of light and extracting the track and on a hill on the left. Now I knew that we would do it. I would like to slip into semi-consciousness as conquerors left the route to follow the helpers being.

I awoke in a small cabin, illuminated by candles several dim. Flames wrapped in a black pot bubbled that in the fireplace, stirring and it was an old man proved to be totally absorbed in his kitchen. He was wearing a coat one species, and the only features I could make, his dark, leathery hands. The cabin was warm and comfortable compared to the snowstorm raging outside, and it had a clear sense of stillness.

When the old man saw that I was awake, he came over and his hand on my shoulder. I smiled and said: "I thank you," but when he replied that he was in a foreign language. I nodded when he went back to his stirrings, and I drove off to sleep again.

Only a moment seemed to go until I woke up in the wonderful smell a delicious stew. The man spooned some of the black pot into a bowl and a generous slice of bread barley, with butter, placed it on the table beside me.

After I finished my third bowl he took the cup and spoon and started washing them, in the silence, as our meal was eaten. Standing in the sink, he waved in the direction of the window. Through a blinding white curtain of snow, I caught a glimpse of a barn loaded with hay in addition to high. Am I assumed that the conquerors fed.

When was safe and everything was up and away in his little cupboard, he came and sat next to me with a pen and some paper. It outlines what seems to be a trail across the top of the mountain, winds in a valley, where he is a great city. On a high cliff overlooking the city, he illustrated a massive structure built of huge stones, as if they were carved from the mountain station. He pointed to the structure, then to me that I should go there after he was satisfied that I understood, he went to the Far corner of the room and sat on the bare ground. He crossed his knees and given the wall.

I pulled the warm coat found that I use for my body a little closer and looked out the window again. Everything was subdued, quiet, the snow hides the scars and sins of the mountain and isolating its inhabitants from clay. Only the quiet cracking of the fire continued quietly interrupted this holy silence, as I began my work as well.

My inner spirit calmed immediately and surprisingly was very bright. The little man in the corner was definitely impact on me, and I had the feeling that he in any way in connection with the building he had so carefully prepared and beautifully in his paper. Then, suddenly, five words Reproduction appeared in my head: "Go deeper into the valley."

I knew that the words came from him, and I had the feeling that they liked more than just travel in the city he represented, you were me to go deeper into my inner work. Maybe someone in this city can help me - I can not wait to started.

A few hours later, the candles were all burnt, but I could see through the dim glow of the fireplace coals that the young man was on standing up . He lit another candle, came to me with his paper and pen, and smiled. He looked at me for a few moments and nodded, and I had an eerie feeling that he not only read, in my opinion, and that he knew everything about me. Then he began to draw a series of strange images. First, he moved a man, then next to the man was an illustration of the man's head, with four other pictures above, as if each image was a separate part of the human spirit. The first image was that of a hand in a fire. The second portrayed the same hand that was apparently burned and painful. The third man out, the view in his hand burnt and the fourth was a picture of a man cooking something about the fire.

He looked at me intensely as he pointed to each part of the sketch, lifting his eyebrows and nodded his head and down . I could only shrug my shoulders, I had no idea what he is trying to say. He pointed to the drawing again before it folds in the fur was to keep that I warm.

The next morning, with the card in hand, sporting a new fur hats, boots, and my warm wrap, I began the course with Conquerors. I looked back and waved the quiet, small man, as he stood on his porch. He was smiling and pointing to a small key in the hand and I had the feeling that we would meet again as conquerors, and I disappeared in the snow.

We our way over the pass and in the long valley, where an enormous City have been distributed below, and in a short time, we were mixing between the bustling crowds of happy people and markets filled with vegetables, barley, goats and reindeer. Then, I looked up, and at the end of the valley,. Abzeichnenden before us was the cliff structure as depicted in the old man's drawing.

We had it about half-way the steep trail on the structure when we refer to a young man who was apparently on the way there so well, and had stopped to rest. I said "hello", hopes the boy said my language.

When, he replied, "hello to you," I was very pleased! But it was something unusual the boy, and the manner in which he himself was confusing. He appeared only in his courses late, but he is much older, perhaps in his early thirties. And I could swear, I knew him from somewhere, but could not quite my finger on it.

We proposed an interview, and I quickly learned that the boy had traveled here because of the cliff structure's reputation. Apparently, robed men lived there and were real key seekers, ready to help beginners in their quest.

So that was it! The mountain man was leading me to a unique community of central Seekers! I was astonished that a young man, turned out to be so young would be interested to find the key. How could he have seen enough of life to understand their frustrations that things are clear to the older, but usually cleverly hidden from the eyes of the young inexperienced?

When I asked him why he would focus on such a difficult task, he replied "My father was a key" keeper ", but I never knew him. My mother said that he left one day and she was awaiting his Return, not knowing where he was or what he did, and although they had asked about him everywhere, there was no information. So, she has me by itself and would always tell me stories about my father, as loving and he was well, and said, how many times he had always hoped his child would give his footsteps in the search for the key.

"As I grew older, I had the same demands that all young men, you know , Girls and such, but it was something that was more interior, it drives me to meet my father. It is difficult to explain, but somehow I loved him very, without ever knowing him.

"My mother taught me well how to live rightly and properly, and how to carry myself, but they acknowledged that there she had never found the key itself, it could not advise me in this area. Your commitment had its effect, however, and my love and respect for their deepened as the years passed. I have never married. I knew in my heart that I was destined to search for the key, and when my mother died last year, my only thought was to fulfill my father's wishes and begin my quest, hoping to discuss it anywhere in my travels. "

I was very impressed by this unusual young man. "Your father must have been a remarkable person affect your mother and himself to such an extent," I said.

"Oh, he was nothing special," replied the boy. "He was just a blacksmith."

I quickly turned my head to hide the fact that the emotions erupted. A picture of a cell wall and the last line of a story flashed in my head: "I forgive you my prince." How could an innocent man was locked away to die, erased from the face of the earth and not even able to tell his wife where he was, or will ever see his child, his only son, forgive the man responsible for this tragedy.

I looked at the young man for a long time, just to see the similarity with the blacksmith. "You are a true warrior, the son," I said, "and your father is proud of you. Keep the search for the key forever in your heart, and if there is anything I can ever do to help you ... "I could not finish my sentence. I pretended to cough. I could not tell him the truth - at least not yet.


E. Raymond Rock of Fort Myers, Florida is cofounder and principal teacher at the Southwest Florida Insight Center, His twenty-eight years of meditation experience has taken him across four continents, including two stopovers in Thailand where he practiced in the remote northeast forests as an ordained Theravada Buddhist monk. His book, A Year to Enlightenment (Career Press/New Page Books) is now available at major bookstores and online retailers. Visit

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