Magical Thoughts

Sunday, June 1, 2008

What's Your Excuse?

She says that all they want is some space. You tried to talk with her, to open it so that you can help, but it will not give you the time of the day. It takes more notice of their friends and online chat rooms deserve more of their time. You feel confused. They pray to God, but deep down, you feel sad and sorry to see that your daughter on a path that you have worked very hard to put your whole life. Then, out of the blue she says something that hurts, from which you just why they are treated as they do: it raises you.

It 's typical for young people who blame the older generation . Everything goes wrong for them is somehow connected to a parent who was not good enough, or was not often enough to, not enough attention, or simply not smart enough ...

It is much easier to blame your parents for the way your life has turned out, instead of the admission of the wrong choices you've made. We know that many parents make mistakes ... I am a parent and I know how difficult it is not to make mistakes. The more we do for our children, the more mistakes we do!

"How can you the best of a bad situation ..."

Parenting will not come with a manual. Parents should make mistakes because they are doing something no one else can do - they are a parent. In other words, if you find out that the hero, the super-women, the strongest man in the world and all the people, you have high expectations are not perfect, you're bound to be disappointed.

Nevertheless your life is still your life - your choices.

You can select things differently. You can choose to overcome all that you have gone through by providing the best you can be sure. Or, repeat someone else for mistakes and is doomed to failure for life. It is up to you.

Just, because your parents do not do great in the procurement of you, that does not mean that you continue in the same way it works?

What when your parents said you would never amount to anything? Is this really means that you do not amount to anything? You can not prove them wrong? There is no other all the blame for their own mistakes. Recognizing that one selection. Stop the guilt people, circumstances, places, the weather, your background, happiness, and mistakes.

Be God for your honest and think about your life. It is not the end of the world ... You can still important changes in life that means a lot to you in the future.

We 're not, people choose to think we are - we are, we choose. If you want to go, rebellious teenager or an angry young woman, you will - it does not matter what you went through, or your parents were.

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