Magical Thoughts

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Key (A Fairytale) - Chapter 6 - Skeletons and Snakes (Part 2)

I went back, where John was waiting and told him about the skeleton. He said he was well aware of the tragic situation and told me then the rest of the story.

"Soon after the woman died, the body was sealed in a box and stored under one of the lodges to heal, because it would combine two Years before the meat could easily be removed. During this time, the robed men, slept in the hut, with the hut and circumstances to improve their internal work, had many visits from her in the form of a ghost that ever roamed the area Searching for their children. The key seekers came to know quite well, and were saddened by the pain she could not solve. She had her mind imprisoned here, not in a position to go because their relationship with their children.

"One Day, keeper came a key role in the community, one of the few persons who had found his key, especially one had devoted his life to the teaching. When he heard the story of this poor woman's Ghost, he spoke briefly with her husband and then asked permission to stay in the hut in which her body was stored.

"On the first night, the spirit came to visit , "John continues:" He knew that the key holder was there to help. Robed The man spoke quietly to the spirit of the human condition and said that everyone loses their loved ones, even if either we might, or they disappear And this is not something we can change or want to change, because then the earth would be crowded with people. The key holder said that he regretted that she was so young when she took the death of her son and daughter Child, and before they had a chance to increase them, but that death is always unpredictable.

"Can you tell me any older villagers you know, which is not yet lost their parents, either in a young age or when they older? "asked the key keeper.

The spirit thought for a moment and then replied, I can not believe someone who is older, and even some that are young, that has not gone through this horrific experience.'

When a young child loses his parents, or when a young mother loses her child, it is always devastating, "comforted the key holder, but we are never alone in our grief, because these things happen, that many people during the human experience. The love and care you have your children while they were with you will guide you through this life, and your husband is a very good man, you will never forget. As the children get older, he will always remember how wonderful they were and how much you loved them.

But it is best for you. Be assured that your children do well because I have seen, their past lives, they are actually quite advanced, and nothing will harm them in a bad way. I also looked deep into your past lives and can assure you that the hard physical and emotional pain you have endured and accepted in this life to get into the intangible world. Once there, depending on your progress, you might become a perfected and physical life will never again return to face the sadness of this worldly life entails.'

"The key holder stopped talking," a comtinued John, " and they both remained silent when the spirit furtive short order for their children. Then began sob, cry for a long time until the teacher finally said that it was time for them to leave and that everything would be okay. They reluctantly looked around one more time, and then drove out of the hut and into the forest, as they are at a point on light.

"Her spirit was never seen again after that night," said a John, finishing his story, " and under the box where her body was not saved; wild orchids deep, deep purple and began to grow, they are very rare in this part of the forest. "

Two key seekers came from the hall and caught up with us so that we at least a small mat rolled up for use in sleep disorders or exercise our inner work, and then to show us that our huts. If a John casually asked whether a key role seekers by the name Moosawa came, they laughed, and one of them said: "The snake man! Whenever we see a dangerous snake, we call Moosawa, "and he comes running to catch it. He claims that far away and let them so that they can do no harm to each of us in the community .'

A John laughed in their history, but then asked for a hut near Moosawa. The two main Seekers whimsically looked at him and asked if he wanted to help catch snakes as well. A John smiled and said he was sure that there is something to catch.

One of men led a John in the courtyard, while the other accompanies me half a mile a track deeper into the forest, where he pointed out the hut That would be my home for the next four months. He went out of his way to remember that my way from the lodge at the main hall was swept to be every day, without fail.

The hut was at the upper end of a massive, Flat Rock. There were two large rocks on Pages with deep gorges between, a paradise for cobras, and everything was surrounding dense jungle. The hut was built on the usual four pillars, each of which had a small pan fashioned to fill it with water to keep the ants and termites. Seven steps led to a small veranda at the entrance to the small hut, which had two large shuttered windows to protect the key seekers from the drenching storms that will soon arrive.

The roof looked as if it would be a good hold during the rains and was well away of low-hanging branches, which are always to load vipers drop off trees and are unwanted guests. Inside on the floor were a lantern and water jug, and in a corner was a table with a candle and some incense. The lonely ornaments on the back wall were a pair of the ever-present geckos; foot long lizards that they regarded as their homeland as well.

The floor and walls were made of boards of large trees cut by villagers with a two-man saw and cut the logs end-to - End boards to make. This was backbreaking, tedious work, and their generosity ceases to amaze me. This impoverished villagers gave a lot of their time and resources to support key seekers, and I vowed to work as hard as I could, my keys, so I could eventually repay them.

After live in the forest with leaks, lean - by accommodation for more than five years, this cottage paradise!

Later in the day, we share robed men at the fountain near the main hall for the afternoon bath, where We each received a bucket of cold water and a towel Baden, which was a short skirt woven in the villages and then donated to the men. This bathing area also served as a meeting point where the men met twice a month, their bamboo broom Because the trails and to wash and dye their robes donated by cooking with orange coloured bark of trees Jack Fruit. (We are always some of the warm water to treat us a hot bath every two weeks!) .

I ran back to my hut after the magnificent bathroom and was able to practice my inner work for the first time without termites and ants crawling all over me, a constant aggravation in the forest, and I could not be happier. I had two geckos as companions, and my inner Work has been improved, too. I was also very relaxed now in the "pretzel" seating position and did not worry me, as it originally was. I was finally beginning to feel comfortable with this practice, the fertile soil of my heart grew a few in.

A Hours before sunrise, I could hear a distant bell ringing alarms me that it was time to Light My lantern and my way through the dark jungle on the narrow road half a mile into the hall. When I arrived, Robed men were filing and mediation, on the stone floor in rows, so that we can sit comfortably side by side to practice our internal work. The candles, the hall, and the dark jungle outside, with these robed men sit silently together, prepared an atmosphere of calm that intensive, was young my endeavour. I always looked forward to this collection of robed men in the mysterious early morning hours, and it was one of my most precious memories of these months of rains.

I fell into a daily routine, where we would sit together for a few hours in the early morning, practicing our internal work until one of the key senior seekers would go outside as dawn was breaking, to see if he could be the lines on the palm of his hand. Ability to recognize the lines was the signal, as John had declared for us to get our robes and start on foot into the surrounding villages to beg for food. The date would have us there exactly at sunrise, when the villagers expected us.

A John and I would with a small group, had a route of some fields in the east and the rising sun, where we passed many rice fields with valuations snakes, both in water and on the shores craning their body and flicking their tongues to smell What is coming. There was mango, banana and coconut palms speckling the landscape, as the beautiful sun, a floating red ball dances on the horizon, came over the hill graen us. Everything was pristine and peaceful, when we went into silence, concentrating on our internal work with our heads bowed in respect of the villagers were to support our efforts.

One day, a young girl was among a group of supporters, stood with their offers baskets of food. With head bowed , I accidentally peeked to her, and my heart fluttered. It was beautiful, innocent, with long, shiny black hair and dark, almond eyes, and they lingered in my eyes for the entire walk back to community.

The meal eaten was always quietly As a group, in the hall, and accompanied by a few villagers remain to hear the usual talk of one of the key senior seekers. After eating a morning, the robed man, had my mat in this first day asked if I consider a duty to help the community. I, of course, their consent, and the key seekers stated that I would be responsible for ringing the bell every morning for three clock morning to signal that all come in the hall. handing me an hourglass, he made it clear that it is a very good job and that I would be required to wake up earlier than the rest of the community. I expected no problems and undertook to ring without fail.

While foot back to my hut afternoon that after the bath, I noticed that even the leaves really do pile up this time of year, when the road was almost covered. I was tired and decided to sweep but the long, half-mile path the next afternoon, despite these very subtle nagging in my heart that told me that I should do it now, the silent voice, I was not completely in touch with.

I threw myself into my inner work all night, worrying that, if I fell asleep I do not want to wake up in time to my duty and ring. Finally, the hourglass approached three so that my lantern lit and sleepily started in the direction of the hall. I could barely make their way in the dark because of the thick Layer of leaves, and once again reminded me on the way to sweep later that day without fail.

I stumbled along for a while, until I thought I saw a hand move as I was about to step down. I stopped and looked closer. Sure enough, under the leaves, moving very slowly on the way were the deadly black and yellow rings one Banded Krait, one of the graten poisonous snakes in the forest. I froze, because he is his way in the forest, and then I started to back away, but directly behind me, leaves were again, it was another Krate. I directed my lantern on the road and leaves moving as far as I could see! The entire area was associated with snakes .

I stand still perfect, but even so, two cobras came straight to where I stand. I took a step to the side, and if I did, I felt something under my bare feet. It was a Krait, and before I could jump off, it winds swirled with ropes and beat my ankle.

I knew immediately in the pit of my stomach that I had no chance to survive, so I just sat down in the leaves and waited for the snake's venom To its toll, beating the floor with my fist, which they stupid. Why did I not sweep this way? Now I would never have found the key.

A John's gripping question flashed in my head: "Are you ready to die any moment? "And I realized that I was not. I could not accept this tragedy, I had so much more to do, how could I know what awaits me in another life, or if I would be happy enough to meet that someone in the next life was with this incredible key? I was so close, and now... so far.

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