Magical Thoughts

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bozo Buckets

When the days begin to feel monotonous, the view, an old-time favorite to shine back in childhood. This activity is very easy to set up and will keep your child's imagination from the first minute you announce it until the last point is reached. It also offers enough selection that you can change the format each time the activity is played. Best of all, your child will love to show their skills at every step. The activity is called "Bozo buckets.'

The Bozo Show was popular decades ago. It should come as no surprise that his popularity was in large part to a large quantity of activities. It gathers Time honored the state and county fair events, and this in a game show for children. The budget version of the game consists of a handful of activities your child plays in order to accumulate points for prizes. The prices can existing things from around the house --- Stuffed animals, a bag of Legos, a series of crayons, etc. Your child will not mind. You will see, appreciate their familiar things in a new light.

Here is what the beginning of the business look could. Their living room is good for one location. You're Bozo:

Bozo : (Look in an imaginary audience) boys and girls, welcome to new episode of Bozo bucket --- the show, where talent and Smarts are everything you need to win big prizes. Who's going to be our next lucky participant how it would be with you young lady. (Note to Your child) Do you want to play Bozo bucket?

child : Yes!

Bozo : Great news! Come on and let's get started .

(Child seat and stands next to you)

Bozo : What's your name young lady?

child : Rebecca.

Bozo : And how old are you, Rebecca?

child : Four.

Bozo : Wow! This is a big number. Can you show me four fingers?

(Child shows four fingers)

Bozo : No kidding! You're pretty quick with numbers. I see that you go to win many prizes on Bozo Bucket. Are you ready to get started?

child : Yes.

Bozo : Super!

(Note --- you can use this opening part of the Show to include questions about all sorts of things: hometown, hobbies, pets, favorite food, places to go, things to do, etc.)

Now introduce your child to a series of games for points. Current prices immediately After each activity. Keep the profits on a table nearby, so your child can watch them accumulate:

Chunky bucket . To set up this game everything you need to do (in advance) is a line on the floor with a piece of string. Now you Size different bowls and buckets walk away from the line. For a ball beans, fill the bottom of a sock with hard-kidney Beans. Tie the top-ties truncated and the surplus. The next bowls are worth 3 points. The bowls are in the middle of the value of 5 points. The most bowls are worth 7 points. Allow your child to throw the bean Ball five times to score points for prizes. You can use it later for the "bonus round."

Big Basketball Challenge . This game requires simply a laundry basket and a bouncy ball . Give your child sixty seconds hitting the ball five times in the basket.

A great chance . Here your child has a chance to get the bouncy ball on the ground to knock a pile of blocks.

The next several suitable activities can be more educational in nature:

The clock is ticking Puzzle Challenge . Give your child a chance to End a favorite puzzle in two minutes or less. A variant of this game is to your child for three puzzle in five minutes or less. Each puzzle wins a full prize.

paints, inks, paints Everywhere . To play this game, you create different colors in a hat. Keep the high hat and let your child from a. Keep the colors simple. To them, simply cut from old paint Magazines or use markers on paper and cut them out. Once your child prefers a color from the hat, her 60 seconds to find the color in ten locations around the house.

Little Big Shape Shape . To this game, just a little pull form in the upper corner of a piece of paper. Well, in the middle of the paper make two sides of the mold. Your child's goal is to form . Make a worksheet for each of the basic shapes: triangle, rectangle, circle, square. Give your child a reasonable time to all four forms. For bonus points, have your child duplicate the forms on another piece of paper.

Half Fun is to invent games and revising the format for your child to develop skills. After all, in the graeren picture, that is what the participation in your child's development. Please also note that the safe and comfortable Setting provides a perfect opportunity to put your child on the dynamics of competitive play. Admittedly, these events are not very competitive in May at the first blush, but you may be surprised to see how anxious your child works to their very best performance. Enjoy this activity in the tradition of good old-fashioned fun that promises healthy family time and learning opportunities for many year to come.


Read more About Anthony Vecchioni.

Anthony Vecchioni runs --a parenting site that offers specific strategies, tips and activities to enhance child learning. Read more About Anthony Vecchioni.

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