Magical Thoughts

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Collection of Old-Time Household Hints

I love to collect recipes, cookbooks and household tips. The following is a list of old-fashioned Household Hints I collected from the back of an old cookbook. They are interesting, sometimes funny and some are more practical for today. They are exactly as they are in the book. I hope you enjoy reading them. And know, you just might learn a thing or two.

Old-Fashioned Tips

1 budget. To prevent nuts from sinking to the bottom of cake or bread dough, shake them in a paper bag with a pinch or two flour.

2. Not to discard worn pillow slips. Cut a small hole cut in the end and slip it through a system as a protection for clothes.

3. Use cotton swab dipped in tepid soap or detergent to clean the suds of grooves carved furniture.

4. Durchnate potatoes in salted water for 20 minutes before baking is more rapidly.

5 bake. A pie crust is made easier and better if all ingredients are cool.

6. To easily fresh bread, cut with a hot knife.

7. Tablecloths and bed linen should occasionally cross folded. They are last longer.

8. To prevent the iron from sticking, add a little salt in the starch.

9. To remove stains iodine bed linen rub the stained area with a disc lemon.

10. Fruit stains could be removed with a strong solution of borax, or the stain moistened with water, rubbed with borax, and boiling water poured through.

11. Measure A cupful of cream, after he whipped.

12. To avoid lumps in the dough, add a pinch of salt to the flour before it wet.

13. To cream butter and sugar, a bowl of warm, place the butter, sugar screening at the top. Beat until the mixture is like whipped cream cream.

14. To improve the taste of old potatoes, add a little sugar into the water in which they boiled.

15. To lint from sticking to blue jeans and corduroys, add a half cup of vinegar to wash each load.

16. Bury the yeast cake in salt and it will be for some time.

17. Heat lemons before you good and it is twice as much juice.

18. To prevent cakes from burning, sprinkle salt in the oven under the baking pans.

19. Never Beat egg whites in an aluminum shell, it is sure to darken them.

20. If yolk stringy to be made available hot puddings, especially tapioca, use a racket, the clumps will be involved in the racket, and let the pudding smooth.

21. If a milk pudding baking sheet, place the court in a pan with water in the oven. This prevents the pudding from burning or boiling over.

22. A well-beaten egg white by adding mashed potatoes are added to the appearance and taste of dish.

23. When is baking bread, a small bowl with water in the oven will help to ensure that the crust not to hard.

24. To draw the salt from salted fish, add a glass of vinegar into the water in which fish is soaking.

25. Add 1 /4 teaspoon baking soda to the cooking cranberries, and they will not require much sugar.

26. To milk or cream from souring in hot weather, stir in a small quantity of bicarbonatge of soda.

27. All spices should be added gradually to soup, or the variant may be too strong.

28. A little finely grated cheese added thin soup improves the taste immensely.

29. If parsley washed with hot water instead of cold, it retains its flavor and is easier to chop.

30. To prevent the smell of boiling cabbage or ham permeates the house, add a little vinegar into the water in which they boiled.

There you have it, people. Old-fashioned tips for everyday use. As I especially # 26th But I am sure it was very important that people many years ago. But there are some tips that are still very useful today, number 29, for example. Anyway, it's fun to share these tips with you.


Linda is a collector of vintage recipes, cookbooks, and household hints. You may visit her blog at

She is also a diabetic and has a website dedicated to diabetic recipes and information at

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